

God threaten pharoh to kill Egypt's first borns (12:12), then he killed them himself (12:29). But it wasn't even Pharoh's fault, God has hardned his heart to multiply his signs in egypt. What kind of God kills babies? What kind of God ask for the soul of first borns (8:17 and 13:12) ? Would you sacrifice your own child? Is the God of Bible really like that?
Quran Nuh(Noah) 71:27 (en en2 tfs tfs2) First born (9) Miscreants and polytheists (74)
If You spare them, they will mislead Your servants, and give birth to staunch disbelievers
Bible Numbers 8:17 (en) First born (9)
Every firstborn male in Israel is mine. I struck the firstborn in Egypt for myself
Bible Exodus 13:12-13 (en) First born (9) Killing children and women (26)
Every first-Born Male is to be sacrificed to the Lord or redeemed with a Lamb
Bible Exodus 12:12 (en) First born (9)
God will pass through Egypt and strike down firstborn of both people and animal
Bible Exodus 12:29 (en) First born (9) Killing children and women (26)
God struck down himself, all Egypt firstborns, humans and livestocks
Bible Exodus 7:3 (en) First born (9)
God harden pharaoh's heart to multiply his signs in Egypt and kill the first born
Bible Romans 9:17-18 (en) First born (9)
Says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, to display my power in you"
Bible Judges 11:30-39 (en) First born (9) Killing children and women (26)
Jephthah sacrificed as a burnt offering his own daughter, she was an only child
Quran Ash-Shu'ara(The Poets) 26:52 (en en2 tfs tfs2) First born (9)
Leave with My servants, for you will surely be pursued